United States
Richard Lau is a 17 year old student based in Andover, MA and he is currently a junior in high school.
Growing Up, Richard enjoys: playing sports, traveling and meeting different people. In high school, the world problems he wishes to tackle are: lack of proper access to food, proper nutrition, knowledge on that field, mainly targeted at underdeveloped countries where the problem is large scale.
His other areas of interest in high school are: Squash, tennis, playing trombone. His current leadership positions are in school orchestra.
He founded the LIFE principle for sustainable food systems in an effort to inspire his peers to the importance of long term food security and sustainability.
At university, he would like to study business and finance, with a focus on entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability. In the long run, he wishes to contribute to society through making fundamental changes which will lead to long term sustainable solutions.